Monday, March 19, 2007

Totally against moral policing.....

hey guys, this is my first post.. so juz thought why not comment on the topic which is currently going through my mind .. i.e Moral Policing ..

Why the hell is being moral policing being done....that too by those people who themselves need to be checked for their actions...Why can't we do as we want within the limits of decency and why do they want us to remain restricted according to their limits.....I am totally against this ... just take the example of the protest against the film "NISHABD" in Varanasi. Why the hell it was needed to protest against the film which i found good and decent enough to be seen...Remember this is the same land where girls below 18 r married off to 50-60 year old men....That is deemed to be part of our culture !!If that is culture then I don't want to be a part of such a culture!!!!